Switzerland within 10 most gender equal countries

Iceland and other Nordic countries again top the rankings of the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2015.

The report ranks 145 countries on their ability to close the gender gap in four fundamental areas: economic participation and opportunity, education, health and survival, and political empowerment.


Switzerland re-enters the top 10, gaining three places compared to last year. This is mostly due to improvements on the economic participation and opportunity as well as the education and political empowerment.

This year, Switzerland ranks 17th on the Economic and Opportunity subindex and 18th on the Political Empowerment subindex. Switzerland is among the top 20 top-performing countries on both Women in ministerial positions and Years with female head of state indicators. Compared with 2006, Switzerland is among the top three climbers from the region on the Educational Attainment subindex. Switzerland continues to be the fourth-highest ranked country overall on the percentage of female part-time employment compared to the total female employment.

Fuente: agenda.weforum.orgagenda.weforum.org

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